Posted by Marty Kupper
A copy of the club's July to December 2019 meeting duty roster was delivered to your email on June 3. Please review this document and mark your calendar for the dates you've been assigned to help. Most members are assigned at least one duty on the roster, occasionally a member will be assigned more than one assignment based on how their name came up alphabetically, or they may not have been assigned at all this time.
If you need to find a replacement because you cannot attend a meeting you are assigned, please let Fred Slyvester (2019 Club Service Director) or me know who is covering for you. It is a member's responsibility to find someone to take their place if they cannot attend a Rotary meeting where they have an assignment.
The Duty Roster is stored in the member area of the club website. Just log in to the website and go to "View Club Documents" in the column on the left. From there, you will see a folder titled "Meeting Assignments." The Duty Rosters are available to download there. The meeting assignments for the week are shown on the club website homepage, in the middle on the right of the page.
Please let Becci Michalski or Fred Slyvester know if you have any questions.