Liz Hooper, President of U3A Nunawading spoke to us about U3A
University of the Third age or U3A is an international movement for retired and semi-retired people
It was founded in Toulouse France in 1973 by Prof Pierre Vellas of the faculty of Social Sciences.
In France all U3A’ s are associated with universities and this academic model is featured throughout Europe. This model has the advantage of providing the organisation with highly qualified teaching personnel and a large variety of subject choices including computer skills. Languages, business, law, religion and politics.
AIUTA ( is the global international organisation and network of Universities of the Third Age, and is presently presided over by Prof Francois Vellas, the son of Pierre-the founder of U3A.
The concept reached the UK in the early 80’s and evolved into a self-help organisation. UK groups are not associated with universities. The British model of peer learning recognises that retirees have a lifetime of experience and knowledge. The syllabus is designed and led by group members with specialist knowledge/interests.
Australia, Cyprus, Dominica, NZ and South Africa have adopted this model .
U3A in Australia began in Melbourne in 1984. By 2013 it had grown to 250 U3A’s with about 85000 members.
Each state has its own network. In 1998 U3A Online was established enabling isolated seniors to engage in remote learning.
More information from
There are 104 U3A’s in Victoria
  • 6 metropolitan regions and
  •  5 rural regions
  •  about 45000 members
Nunawading belongs to the Eastern metropolitan region.
U3A Nunawading is the largest group in Victoria with 1900 active members and offering over 250 courses.
These include Art, Craft, Dance, Exercise, sport, games. History, humanities, languages music and science.
Of interest -a recent initiative – Four O’ clock forums to be held at 4:00 pm on the fourth Wednesday of each month- will present an array of interesting guest speakers.
Nunawading also has a community library -stocked with donated books- and operating on an ‘honour’ system. They are also privileged to have an extensive private collection of military history books that can be loaned to members.
An Annual Membership fee $75
Most courses have no further charges.