Eliminating the Existential Threat of Nuclear Weapons Webinar

Ian Armstrong reports on a recent webinar arranged by Rotary International focusing on Eliminating the Existential Threat of Nuclear Weapons which included the current RI President as a feature speaker.
Ian Armstrong reports on a recent webinar arranged by Rotary International focusing on Eliminating the Existential Threat of Nuclear Weapons which included the current RI President as a feature speaker.
The webinar was recorded and can be found at the following link: https://youtu.be/9fMCCsjhOZk
Ian also recalls that he visited the museum in Nagasaki a couple of years ago and after reading ‘The Doomsday Machine’ by Daniel Ellsberg recently this issue really jumped back out to him. It really is frightening for our kids and grandkids especially.
The acceleration in interest, concerning climate change pales into insignificance when compared to the dangers of nuclear weapons. Worrying about emissions in 30 years while ignoring a complete destruction of the planet in a couple of days.
Ian notes also that a Resolution requesting the RI Board to consider endorsing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is proposed by a Rotary club in Canberra and supported by 2 Canadian clubs and several Districts. Unfortunately our District is not included.
Our district has decided that the relevant resolution supporting the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is political rather than humanitarian and therefore did not support the resolution. This seems somewhat out of step with the other Districts and may be worth revisiting.