Who doesn’t love a trade show?  This Wednesday, May 10, President Elect Jeanne Fangman will host a Club Assembly in "Trade Show" format.  Each RCFC committee (Foundation, IP&G, Scholarships, Community Grants, etc) will have a table in the Drake Center ballroom and members are asked to come early and/or stay late and visit each committee.      
RCFC’s service mission is accomplished through active, engaged committees and the individual effort that drives those committees.  Did you know RCFC has over 50 different committees and fellowships?  If you can’t find your passion in an RCFC committee, there will be a station to check your pulse.   
The trade show starts at 11:00, and will extend after the program to as late as 2:00.   During the program portion, PE Jeanne will stress the importance of committees, discuss the trade show format, and ask members to open their hearts and wallets to these causes.
Each committee will do one or more of the following:
  • Have a flyer or handout summarizing what each committee has been up to
  • Have a laptop computer with a running loop of inspiring pictures
  • Have a tri-fold poster with engaging examples and pictures of their projects
  • Show anything else the committees have in mind that would raise excitement and awareness of the committee's work  
  • Have members of the committee, or recipients of grants at the table to talk about their work and answer questions
  • Join us and see and learn more about the wonderful projects our club supports locally and internationally!
See you on the 10th!