Rotareminder Rotary Club of Kent August 25, 2020
President Randy Smith welcomed Rotarians.
Patriotic song America was led by David Dix on piano.
President Randy Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Laing Kennedy offered today’s invocation.
Kelly Tremaine, former Rotarian interested in joining our club, was guest of Shawn Gordon.
Erika Schoenberger, VP General Counsel at Davey Tree, was guest of Sandra Reid.
Randy Smith shared the following:
  • Save the Date for April 10, 2021 for the 4 Way Speech Contest
  • Monthly club financials are now being shared. Find them by clicking the "other documents" link in the right-hand column of the e-bulletin. If you have any feedback about them please contact a board member as they’d love to hear from club members.
  • Fundraising in place of the annual auction has surpassed $31,000. Checks are still welcome if you haven’t donated yet.
  • We are very close to donating $5,000 to Kent Social Services. We still need a little more if anyone is able to contribute.
Carol Crimi shared that Lloyd O’Keefe, Roberta O’Keefe’s husband, passed on Saturday. Our thoughts and prayers are with Roberta.
Larry Lohman announced that the World Health Organization just declared that Africa is now Polio free, which leaves just two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, with Polio.   
Kathy Myers reminded everyone about Coleman’s Stay Right at Home fundraiser. They are still in need of sponsors and supporters. Contact Kathy if you are interested in helping.
Roberta O’Keefe is in need of volunteers to offer weekly prayer. She is looking for someone for September 15 and beyond. Please reach out to her if you can help.
Dave Myers announced September programs:
            Sept. 1             Ted Gup               Author, journalist, and professor
            Sept. 8             Kathleen Clyde     Portage County Commissioner
            Sept. 15           Martin Franks      Former executive with CBS
            Sept. 22           Rick Wagoner                  Former CEO and Chairman of Board General Motors
            Sept. 29           Pat Myers            Rotary District Governor
100th Anniversary Moment
Jim Myers shared details about a meeting held on August 31, 1926 in which collegiate sons and daughters of Rotarians were in attendance.
Tom Larkin introduced today’s speakers, two of our own, Anthony Horton and Dennis Love. The principals’ presentation was titled The Unique Challenges of Educating Middle School and High School through the Pandemic.
Principal Horton spoke first about Stanton Middle School’s efforts to prepare for school to resume. He stressed that he and his team are focusing on two things during their planning this summer. First is safety. Secondly, providing a good education. In terms of safety, he explained the challenges of logistics for classrooms to resume and how students move through the building and maintain six feet of distance. About 70% of their students will be returning in person for hybrid learning and 30% will be doing the remote option. Staggered dismissals, Plexiglas barriers at lunch tables, one way hallways, social distance markers, and signs are planned. He also shared that lockers will not be used and the PE teachers are trying to come up with activities for students to do at their recess after lunch.
He also shared plans for virtual learning and how teachers will teach for remote students as well as the face to face students. Challenges come in to play when they consider what to do with advanced math students and special education students. Principal Horton praised his team of teachers and administrators for their hard work and doing what is best for the kids, but realizes that there is also a human element to this pandemic. He is also managing an anxiety of staff members and trying to turn a negative situation into a positive one so they can be there for the kids.
Principal Love stated that his top priorities echo what they are doing at the middle school. He and his team are focused on safety and learning. At the high school they are expecting 22% of students to be fully remote and 78% to be face to face in the hybrid model. Teachers are evaluating their learning standards and identifying the most important standards to focus on at this time. One challenge is how students will be assessed during this time, especially while they are at home. Another is how to take attendance when conducting class using Google classroom.
Dennis touched on the differences that they will see with extra-curricular activities and sports this year. Tentatively, the first football game is scheduled for September 4 and all other sports will resume on September 8. He commended student athletes, coaches, and trainers for having a safe summer practice season and following protocols. Freshmen mentors and student council are trying to plan safe and fun activities to keep the student body engaged.
Educators at the high school will be focusing on three things during their professional developments time this year: learning communities, anti-racism training, and a new system for teacher evaluations.
Justin Gates chimed in with details about how special services will be provided to children in need and to special education children this school year.
Today’s responder was Nelson Burns.
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Richardson