Posted by Don McQueen: RC Rotary Nomads on Sep 16, 2022
Well, the Peace Pole ceremony was held splendidly at Haileybury College, Edrington, on Thursday afternoon. It was an outstanding success, and the coordination between Jane Moore of the Rotary Club of Berwick and Amy McGrath was inspirational.
The wall of sound that flowed from the assembly to the stage as the students sang the National Anthem and the School Hymn was quite something. The World Peace Message is so important for our young people to learn.
When we think of peace, we think of freedom, harmony and calm. Peace is important so that we can have a better, fairer world for all people.
The theme of this year’s International Day of Peace — “End Racism, Build Peace”
This highlights the importance of being kind, inclusive and respectful to everyone around us. We want people to come together and be united in a peaceful, loving world.
You can all make a difference by including others, speaking kindly, and offering a helping hand to those who need it. 
International Peace Day is on the 21st of September and on this important day we encourage everyone to think of how they can be kind and help us create a more peaceful space for all.
So, ask yourself, what can you do to spread kindness and peace to others?