It’s hard to believe that it has been four weeks already since we reported on the Caulfields’
trials, tribulations and triumphs on the epic Camino Trail through Spain.
After a stop in Porto in Portugal PP Mark and Isobel Caulfield have this week landed in Tuscany, Italy. A place Lonely Planet describes as a land of “lyrical landscapes, world-class art and a superb cucina contadina (farmer's kitchen)”, a “gourmet destination whose residents spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about, discussing and consuming food and wine.” Located in central Italy Tuscany is said to be “postcard material”.
Judging by their latest Facebook posts the Caufields are truly getting their fill of the Tuscany promise… Good food, great wine (tea for Mark!), invaluable work of arts that would render the richest collectors green with envy, and breathtaking landscapes worthy of Picasso’s brush.
Buon appetite!