Posted by Sandi Tarant and Ricardo Balancy
This week we had the privilege to welcome our guest
speakers Dennis and Helene Livingstone.

Their presentation on BlazeAid was most informative and
members were simply amazed by the great work of the volunteers.

This is certainly an organisation worth supporting.
Our visitors this week included Cheryl Zuhlsdorff and Gaetano Fina, and as always they were warmly
welcomed by members. We were also happy to welcome back some familiar faces in Sergeant David
Nutter (who nearly got lucky with the Joker's Wild), and Russell Dunn, fresh
from Harvey Bay and sporting a tan that almost put the President to shame... 
Bulletin Editor, Sandi Tarant, and her team are to be commended for yet another informative
and well presented edition of the Spoke n Words. Well done!!
Hope you enjoy the read, and please let Sandi know if you have any topics or
subjects that you would like to see covered in future editions...