Posted by David Button on Mar 26, 2021
On Thurday 25th March 2021, PDG Tim Moore, PP Jack Kraan and myself joined into the very first expressions of interest on the proposed Satellite Club of Berwick, Officer. As most of the avid readers of this bulletin will know, the Rotary Club of Berwick's Board has concerns around extra workload and timing of this club's formation and its potential impact on our own Clubs rebuild. I have concerns of extra work placed on me as my priority is "The Mother Ship". I count my time in seconds!
In my personal observation, Tim and Jack may have a different view, the potential members were all there from genuine interest. Some were quite nervous about being tied to Berwick and the limitations that could bring. Questions were raised about range of catchment, working close by to already functioning clubs, and how a small number could make an impact. The Clubs' focus is just on Youth and the Community, which is appropriate with a small number of potential members. It was good to hear simple questions from people who knew not much about Rotary, which offered me some insight into why people side step "US" and maybe more attracted to an intimate version of Rotary.
The Club offer was essentially the same as our own Club. An optional dinner club meeting once a fortnight in person, or during winter on Zoom. Obviously some members in our Club are already on that model!
It was a privilege to meet these potential members. I would not expect any of them would have fronted up to our Club to experience our friendly and accommodating culture by themselves. All were networked people and asked to participate. I suppose if you have something NEW, it is easier to ask people to have a look at it. I found the meeting very pleasant and also a deserved kick in the pants. We have known for years that we need to ask potential members to our Club, but we don't do it. In my own defense, any Club you are asking people to join needs to deliver a sense of purpose, vibrance and potential achievement. A new Club can easily say that, but an older Club has a history and sometimes it is hard to disguise some, or all of those attributes (or lack of).
As the President, I invited them all to visit our Club. I felt that two of them could blossom in a fully fledged Club like ours, provided we were focused on Service, Action and results. We all know that fellowship and social interaction is the strongest when we are focused in service. Party time is best served after we have made an amazing effort and changed the world, or at a District Conference when we can celebrate other Clubs achievements and reflect on how we can do better next year (Hangover is no charge). At this point, I am comfortable to support the Satelitte Club proposal and I look forward to all Club members taking an active interest in all aspects of this Club, as we collectively vote for its inclusion into our Club. 