PP David Collyer reported that last Sunday on 22nd July, Kay Morland (representing Casey North Community Information and Support Service), Clare Ganderton and he attended a special service at Cardinia Presbyterian Church. There, he presented Graeme Dodson with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the Berwick & District Benevolent Society for the long and continued support of the Society and therefore Casey North CISS.
The small, elderly, but very generous congregation was very appreciative of their visit and made them feel most welcome. 
As announced at the last Club Meeting, the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and 2 Committee Members were declared vacant for the Benevolent Society.   Therefore, David called for nominations for these positions, together with a proposer and seconder. 
The following nominations were proposed and seconded.  
Secretary:  David Cutler  
Treasurer:  Peter Batterham
Committee members:  Ann Kraan and Clare Ganderton
These nominations will be voted on at an Extraordinary AGM, organised for Wednesday 1st of August 2018.