Posted by David Button on Sep 18, 2020
This weeks meeting is all about the rules. As boring as it sounds our Club functions on a set of rules that most of the time just sit in the background with little influence, until something calls for clarification. The rules come in two flavours, the Constitution (a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.) and the By-Laws (rules made by a company or society to control the actions of its members).  So the constitution controls the governing of the club in the stratosphere of the State of Victoria and Rotary International. The By-Laws controls the more intimate actions of the members. Currently, the Club has an outdated Constitution and no By-Laws.   
The reason that this is a big deal for me is that I had the unfortunate task of calling on our current set of rules when President Lea decided to jump ship about this time two years ago. Our Constitution had no answers about who could take over running the club and there were no By-Laws as back up. Needless to say, we found a way through it, but it was not as it should be. Further scrutiny of our current governing documentation has holes popping up all over the place. At this week's meeting, we will have an opportunity to refresh our Constitution to bring us in line with Victorian State Law and Rotary International. We will also re-establish our By-Laws.
Believe it or not, this is a pretty big deal. Rotary International has a standard set of rules that they expect all Rotary Club to follow. Victorian Law also has a set of rules that all Victorian Incorporated Associations are expected to follow. The proposed Constitution satisfy both requirements this time around. Written by Solicitor David Whiting and based on the Rotary standard set of rules together with the expectations required of Victorian law. The old By-Laws have been dusted off to fill in the gaps.
In truth, I have zero interest in the rules until you need them to guide your path. Good rules leave nothing to interpretation. That is the place I want to be so I can get on with business. If you have questions or concerns, please contact PDG Tim Moore on Rotary District 9820 is encouraging all clubs in the District to move to the standard Rotary Constitution modified by Solicitor David Whiting. PDG Tim is in charge of that process.
Please turn up this week to cast your vote!