Board meeting...Thursday, January 14th...7:30 am....Methodist Church on Route 2.  Board meetings are open to all..

Who's our oldest's not Lou Lepry, but he's pretty old...9 times 9 as he likes to put it....just to prove he can still do some math.  Lou can't wait to celebrate, so his birtday is on January 1st.

Been to White's of Westport lately?  You can join Bob MacKenzie, Mike Gemma and Ed Neff there on January 30th if if you want to know more about Rotary.  Let Ed Neff know your interest by January 14th.

Our newest member is Trevor Cobain....sponsored by Jodi Gladstone.  Here is the historic event in pictures.

The January 6th meeting was capped by a John Wolcott presentation, highlighting his years as Santa Claus.   John, now trimmed for hopefully warmer weather, spent a portion of this holiday season on the Polar Express out of Newport.