Friendship is one of the top reasons members join and stay in Rotary. To boost these ties, Rotary Fellowships offer members, spouses, and Rotaractors the chance to connect with one another while enjoying their favorite recreational or professional pursuits. Over 60 Rotary Fellowships cover interests from tennis to wine, marathon running to cooking, scuba diving to recreational vehicles, jazz to computers, and more.

Rotary Fellowships arrange regional and international events, contests, and meetings where members bond and build lasting friendships outside their clubs, districts, and even countries. June is Rotary Fellowships Month, so make sure to read our Rotary Service Connections blog to learn how several fellowships combine fun and friendship with service. By connecting Rotarians, family members, program participants and alumni with shared interests, the fellowships extend the Rotary experience beyond local communities.
Join or form a Fellowship!
For more information about the upcoming Wine Fellowship Event, please click here!