When was the last time you updated your profile on Clubrunner? If you never have or if it has been 6 months since you have done so, please consider reviewing and adding more information and your photo!
It is actually quite easy! Login to either your club's ClubRunner page or the district website at If you have forgotten your password you can click on "New and existing users: retrieve login and/or reset password. Once you are logged in, you can access the instructions by clicking here or you can view the online tutorial "How to Edit Profile, Change Password & Upload Photo".
Please add your home and work address and phone numbers, partner/spouse name, both of your birthdays and your anniversary. The date data is important for creating birthday, anniversary and years of service reports. Adding your photo is easy and will help newer club members and or other district members connect your name and face and help build your relationship. 
Although the video will show additional items you can edit, the most important would be to create an email signature for those of you who will use ClubRunner for sending emails to your club members. This would be accessed by clicking on the Rotary tab.
You can also control your personal privacy preferences under the Privacy tab. For example, if you do not want to share your all of your contact information with Rotary International, you can choose which items you want to share and those that you do not.
If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to send me an email at or Submit a Ticket to ClubRunner and ask them for assistance and they will respond via email or a phone call if you request that they call. Generally, allow for one business day for a response. You can also call ClubRunner at 1-877-4MY-CLUB (1-877-4692582) from 9-5 EST. If you want to delve deeper into ClubRunner and everything that you can do check out their Knowledgebase!