Posted by Lars Henriksson, District 7070 Grants Chair

It is time for Clubs in District 7070 to apply for District Grants.  The application forms can be found on the Foundation Grant Qualification site of the District’s website.  Application for a District Grant is made to the District.  Deadline is May 31, 2019.....

District Grants are intended to be used for short and medium-term projects, that can take place in the local as well as international community.  Furthermore, District Grant projects can take place in countries and areas where there are no Rotary Clubs

The matching process for District Grants adopted by D7070 encourages cooperation between Clubs.  Please, note that the leading Club for a project must be qualified.  However, while we want to see all Clubs qualified, Clubs that of some reason have decided not to be qualified, can still financially support projects lead by a qualified Club.

For more information on District Grants, please contact PDG Lars Henriksson,