We come now to 2018, some 97 years later when Barry Rassin is President of an organisation of more than 35,000 clubs and over 1.2 million people, all brought together through Paul Harris's vision of service and fellowship.  He says  "We are men and women who believe in the power of community action to make a global impact - and together, we have the capacity and resources to achieve almost anything"  He also says "Most important of all, we need to Be the Inspiration for positive change, inspiring our clubs, our communities, and our organisation to face today's challenges head on, with courage, optimism, and creativity."
See page 16 and 17 of the District Directory
Also from Barry Rassin  "What truly motivates Rotarians is their work. The Rotarians who have the biggest impact through their service aren’t always the women and men with the greatest resources, the most experience, or the largest networks. They’re the ones who are inspired. Whether it was something they did, something they saw, or someone they met, they’ve all had experiences that lit them on fire—and inspired them to serve."