By: Lawrence Furbish
Chair, District Bylaw Committee
RC of Sanford-Springvale 

District 7780 is governed by a set of Bylaws that can be found on our District Website at under the Committee dropdown menu and the Bylaws Committee. The last time our Bylaws were amended was in 2018, although a new version was just added to the District Website to correct some out-of-date citations. The next time they could be amended will be at the District Conference in May.

Any club can propose amendments to the Bylaws by submitting them to the District Governor no later than 75 days prior to the Annual District Business meeting. This year, that deadline will most likely be February 28th, 2022.

All proposed amendments are reviewed by the District Bylaws Committee to ensure that they are consistent with the Rotary International Governance Documents and are in keeping with the spirit and principles of Rotary.

The District Governor must forward copies of all proposed amendments and any recommendations of the Bylaws Committee to each District club president no later than 30 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. To be adopted, proposed amendments must receive a three-fourths majority of the votes cast at the Annual Business Meeting.

The current members of the Bylaws Committee are Lawrence Furbish, chair, PDG George Rice, and PDG John LoBosco. In addition, DG Dick Hall and District Parliamentarian Dan Fitzpatrick are ex-officio members and our Council on Legislation and Council on Resolutions representative, Ann Lee Hussey, is a non-voting member.  Feel free to reach out to any of these Rotarians if you have questions.