Dick Hall
District Governor 2021-2022
RC of Portland
Happy New Year to All!
There is so much to cover this month.  I’ve been able to visit many clubs for their festivities and important activities.  The theme for the month is Vocational Service and we will talk about that.  Fundraising continues in spite of Covid.  Some Clubs have told us about their successes. And, finally, a call for help for RYLA which is seeking registration volunteers. 
December was an exciting month!
I had a great time attending club functions including two parades, two Christmas parties, and two fundraisers. I also attended two President’s gatherings and one AG holiday party.  On Christmas Eve, I was lucky to help place and set up over 1000 luminaries in Exeter.  I also got to drive around and deliver RYLA posters, RYLA brochures and present Foundation awards.  It is a real treat to see clubs in action in person, and to observe the numerous ways we have figured out how to stay safe during Covid and still get things done.  Thanks for all the invitations.
Nominations of New Club Officers
Hopefully all clubs have nominated and elected leaders for the future.  Thanks to all who have agreed to serve.