By: Peggy Belanger (KennebunkPortside RC)
 Lorraine Faherty (Damariscotta-Newcastle RC)
D7780 Membership Co-Chairs
In order for RI to grow, and to achieve its mission, Rotary Districts, like ours, must consider developing new clubs.  Ask yourself, who is not represented or which community location is not part of our membership?
I am pleased to announce that we have seen a steady rise in D7780 Membership for our 1st Quarter.  Multiple clubs have inducted at least one or multiple new applicants.  We are at 1500+.
In order to grow Rotary, RI asks us to Increase our Impact at the Club & District Level, Enhance Participant Engagement, Expand our Reach, and Increase our Ability to Adapt & Accept Change.
Co-Chairs Belanger & Flaherty are planning a series of Learning Opportunities for Club Membership Chairs, Club Presidents, Club President-Elects and AG’s to discuss the details of Growing Rotary and assist clubs in developing a Membership Action Plan.
We have (14) clubs who have not yet listed a membership chair in Club Runner.  Lorraine and I will be working with the individual clubs and AG’s to provide assistance.
Co-Chair Lorraine, the Membership Committee, and I, look forward to working with you as we develop Membership Champions who will assist our District with Retention & Engagement, and in the Development of Innovative/Creative Clubs.
Together, our Membership Growth will help us to succeed in “Serving To Change Lives”
Membership Committee: DGN Marion Cheney, Dover RC (DEI Chair); Past-President Mike Geneseo, South Portland-Cape Elizabeth RC; Member Engagement Chair Aileen Dugan, Portsmouth RC; Brenda Pollock (Public Image Chair), Biddeford-Saco RC