United States of America
For Zoom link, contact Ann Lee Hussey annlee001@yahoo.com
The ripple effect of two drops - now only two countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan) and just two cases for the year, one each in each of the two remaining countries.
Our own, Mike McGovern, the Chair of Rotary's International PolioPlus Committee will share the latest news and strategies that will help us to reach our goal of a polio-free world. How close are we, really?  
We will also hear from Ann Crocker, Chair of the Post Polio Support Group of Maine. She will discuss the late effects of polio known as Post-Polio Syndrome.  
Bringing it home, listen to stories from local Rotarians. And test your Trivia knowledge of polio the disease and the polio eradication program. 
We would really like more polio stories from our district - you can say so much in just 3 minutes. Please share a recording of your polio memory. Send via email to  Ann Lee Hussey annlee001@yahoo.com  or through DropBox or similar.