Posted by Sue Davis (South Jeffco)
The Family of Rotary wants to ask every Rotary club to arm yourselves with the latest information on the danger of plastic to our environment. Let’s practice “Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” when it comes to communicating why we need to become ambassadors for our children’s future. Let us hear from you. Let’s start a dialogue!!
The plastic plague is upon us and we need to have some facts:
Water in plastic bottles – it takes 450 years for a plastic water bottle to decompose, and we throw away 1.4 billion daily.
Plastic shopping bags – as plastic bags decompose they form tiny particles which are hugely detrimental to ocean dwellers. Costco’s wild-caught salmon has ingested plastic, a red flag for all of us. This is the tip of the iceberg. 
So what?? As Rotarians, is there anything we can do?
Sure! We can be beneficial ambassadors to all concerned by sharing the above information, and by setting examples for others:  
  • Use reusable drink containers for all our beverages and refuse water in plastic bottles
  • Use reusable shopping bags (put them in your car in easily retrievable locations and don’t forget to take them in with you!).
As Rotarians, we believe in the ideal of selfless service. Join me and The Family of Rotary: take the pledge both to spread the word and to set the example! Sue Davis,