Rotary began as an organization promoting business connection and fellowship. Quickly it was realized that an organization serving only to develop business networks and acquaintances would not long survive, Soon, service was added and became Rotary’s central focus. Service to others, to our communities and to communities of the world as exemplified in our motto “ Service above Self”. It is the fourth Object of Rotary that highlights “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service."     
Every project and program of Rotary is a vehicle for advancing peace, goodwill and understanding. Rotarians and Rotary clubs work to help people improve their lives through partnering on projects in the six areas of focus. It is these projects that allow us to realize and respect the differences that exist within the “Family of Man”. By really listening to those we wish to serve we learn what will really help them and we grow to understand each other. Our Youth programs offer us the opportunity to help our young understand the breadth of human experience that exists in the world. We learn that people often look at life differently than we. Programs such as Ambassadorial Scholarships, World Peace Fellowships and Group Study Exchanges promote our understanding of people and cultures. The family of Rotary is a kaleidoscope of colors, beliefs, ideas and realities that mirrors the world we work to serve. 
Past RI President, John Kinney, said, “The bedrock upon which Rotary is built is our commitment to ethical behavior.” And Paul Harris suggested that the bricks from which Rotary is built are fellowship and service. But the mortar that holds it all together is TOLERANCE.  It is only through understanding AND tolerance that we will achieve world peace. 

Let us celebrate what Rotary is and stands for during this month of Rotary’s 110th Birthday!

Peter Ewing MD District Governor 2014-2015