Contact: Eileen Rau
United States

Grant Management Webinars for 2018

Grant Qualification webinars for District and Global Grants
It is that time again; time to start thinking about the next Rotary year: 2018-2019. As your club starts planning for 18-19, be sure to think about what service projects to work on that would benefit your local community and/or the international community.


To help your club fund local and international projects, the district has funding available in the form of District Designated Funds (DDF). The available DDF for next year comes from the Annual Fund - Share donations made by you and your club three years ago in 2015-2016. District Designated Funds help fund District and Global Grants.

In order for Rotary Clubs to qualify to receive these grant funds, two people from your club must attend a Grant Qualification Webinar. This year we are combining the District and Global Grant qualification into one webinar. Attendance by 2 members from your club is part of the qualification process in order to apply for grants for the 2018-2019 Rotary year. It would be very beneficial if the people involved in a potential grant attend one of these webinars.

The District grant process has been streamlined for 2018-2019 with fewer deadlines to remember and fewer forms. These changes make it crucial that you ask those actively involved in your club’s projects to attend so they “know the scoop”.

Attendees can register for one of two webinars: Wednesday, February 21st from 7:00-8:00 PM or Monday, March 19th from 7:00-8:00 PM.

To register CLICK Here

Select the date and time that works best for you by pulling down the dropdown menu.