The Zambia project is dedicated to sustainable assistance that will have a lasting effect on the rural poor of Zambia.  

The Zambia Committee is offering the experience of a lifetime. Those of us who have been working in Zambia the past few years are unable to travel to Zambia this year. Thus, we are assembling a team who will visit the projects including the water and agricultural projects as well as work with individuals who weigh and measure children for the nutritional project. Health professionals, agriculturists, business persons and folks with organizational skills are needed, but anyone with interest helping helping a group of wonderful folks who live in poverty are welcome.

As an added benefit, you will have the opportunity to visit one of the top natural wonders of the world, Victoria Falls and take a safari to Chobe National Park in Botswana. Zambia and Botswana are very safe and the weather is pleasant. We are suggesting that the trip occur this summer and would take around 10 days including travel. Other side trip options such as Cape Town, South Africa are available.
If you have any interest at all, please contact me by phone or by e-mail. I will also be available at the District Conference for you to see photos of our projects and to discuss this great opportunity.  
Charles Erickson MD FAAP
7208 Sugar Creek Circle
Lincoln, Ne
Phone 402-420-3088