Source: PDG Janne Speirs D9820 Emergency Management Chair
It should come as no surprise to anyone in D9820 that since the shocking fires of late 2019 and early 2020 in the East Gippsland region of the District, our East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid Committee has been a continual Rotary presence of support and recovery assistance, dating from January 2nd 2020. They have, in many cases with wonderful support from Clubs and individuals both within the District and around the world, been able to supply much needed livestock feed, some internal fencing assistance, furniture and Winter clothing as well as the ongoing supply of storage containers and caravans for those without a home. They have had added support financially from RAWCS Compassionate Grants and a Disaster Recovery Grant from the Rotary Foundation.
On top of all this – and following on from an approach to me by an anonymous but incredibly generous benefactor – we have been able to apply for three Global Grants through the Rotary Foundation. As those of you with knowledge of Global Grants would be aware, it is all  but unheard of for Australia to be the recipient of Global Grants because, as a First World Country, we are deemed to be well able to ‘look after our own issues’ if you like and the Grants are invariably the domain of Countries of the Third World. The extent of last year’s fire disaster however, following hot on the heels (pardon the pun) of the ongoing drought ravaging so much of the Country was deemed to be found well deserving of Global Grants being approved.
Thus, I set about the daunting task of ‘Global Grant Writing 101’ with two incredibly supportive and knowledgeable mentors there every step of the way and the result – as those of you who were present at last weekend’s inspiring Zone Conference would know - that two have now been approved and we are eagerly awaiting the last of the funding to reach the bank accounts and the third is awaiting it’s final authorisations before being fully submitted!
Briefly, the purpose of the two Grants already approved is
  • Grant 1 – supply of both hay (purchase and cartage) and also high energy fodder to livestock on affected properties – bearing in mind that many of these animals were already struggling due to the drought! This Grant also has a training component for farmers in best practice pasture types, stock strengthening etc in areas affected not just by fire but also drought – this is an East Gippsland wide support
  • Grant 2 – very similar to Grant 1 in terms of supply of both hay (purchase and cartage) and also high energy fodder to livestock on affected properties as well as the supply of fire resistant internal fencing pickets and fencing wire. This Grant again has a training component for farmers in best practice pasture types, stock strengthening etc in areas affected not just by fire but also drought. This Grant will concentrate on the more remote areas around Goongerah, Woolgoolmerang and Gelantipy among others.
The Third Grant will provide upgraded kitchen and bathroom facilities in an extension (for which we are currently seeking approval for a separate Grant for construction) to the Sarsfield Community Hall along with training in areas like CPR etc to assist in Community readiness for a future emergency.
I wish to thank so many who have already provided incredible expertise, advice and encouragement in this venture and will keep you all posted on the future of these Grants.

PDG Janne Speirs
(D9820 Emergency Management Chair)