A warm welcome

District Governor Don Ripper reflects on friends, family and Rotary.


''Welcome to the first newsletter of the year and sincere thanks to PP Peter Simcock for taking on this critical communication role.

The untimely death of Rotary International President-Elect Sam Owori (pictured above) causes us to pause and remember how fragile life is and how important it is to connect with colleagues, friends and family.

It is easy to get tied up in all the things we want to or should be doing, but events like this should let put all those things in perspective and focus on the lasting relationships that make life meaningful.

As you will know from various presentations over the past six months the district is keen to better support its various District Chairs and to this end the various District Chairs and Advisors are being asked to recruit teams to work with them to more effectively and safely provide leadership and support to the clubs and to provide a succession plan in each of our district committees.
If you are approached please give serious consideration to taking on a district committee role.
We will re-look at this in one month and if vacancies still exist every Rotarian in the district will be asked to consider filling the identified vacancies.
The first few weeks as District Governor have flown, having had the absolute pleasure of visiting 36 Clubs for their Changeovers and now ten for the Official Visit. I am grateful to those district leaders who represented me at the other changeovers where conflicts prevented Jude’s and my attendance. It has been an enormous pleasure to have been hosted so warmly in every instance and I greatly appreciate having club boards and executives taking the time to discuss club plans, achievements and concerns with me prior to the Official Visit meetings.
Our District’s membership continues to be of considerable concern and despite strong growth in a number of clubs and strenuous effort by others our numbers still continue to fall. The number of Rotarians registered at the beginning of the past four years having continued to decline. 1460,1420,1390,1340. These are official RI figures and even with the likely end of year registration anomalies the trend cannot be denied or ignored.
PP David Hanlon and his membership committee is willing to assist any club which wishes to work on strategies to gain members. The District has budgeted significant funds to undertake this critical work over the next two years
When we consider what makes our own club different we should seek new members to suit. We need to analyse our community, look for possible female members, and if there any distinct regional ethnic groups that are not  represented in your club.
The Rotary Leadership (Learning) Institute is about to commence with the first program for the year being conducted at Centenary house. Several Rotarians are being sponsored to attend the future leader seminar at Zone Institute in Darwin later in August.
While we continue to work with enthusiasm, imagination and energy we will “Make a Difference”
Best Regards