Posted by Steve Warren
Kathryn Craig Honored with Unsung Hero Award
E-ClubNEO welcomed District Governor Pat Myers to their regular meeting on February 27th for the Governor’s Annual Visit.  Prior to DG Pat’s address to the Club, she presented (virtually) to Kathryn Craig, the Governor’s Citation for Exemplary Service to Rotary E-ClubNEO and its members as the 2020-2021 "Rotary Unsung Hero".  Club President Steve Warren stated that the choice was a tough decision and how difficult it was to pick one member to be singled out.
President Warren went on to say that the fledgling E-Club was halfway through it’s inaugural year and would not be here without the driving force and determination of  one of its members.  Kathryn Craig caught the smoldering ember of the E-Club idea from (at the time) DG Beverly Ghent-Skrzynski and kept it alive and burning for 2 years; doing the legwork and the research to bring the E-Club to life. 
While not trained in Website Design, Kathryn worked diligently to learn the Club Runner tools to get the website up and running … a key component for an E-Club.
Working with the RC of Northampton-Cuyahoga Valley, she pushed and pulled the E-Club across the starting line last June. Since that time, Kathryn has been instrumental in guiding the Club, delivering instructional programs for our new Rotarians and providing leadership of the two Service Projects the E-Club has undertaken so far this year.
Congratulations to Kathryn – well deserved!!