Membership Corner - December 9, 2013
The purpose of these weekly notes is to plant the seed of an idea in the minds of a few Rotarians in the many clubs of our district. 
Hopefully, the cumulative effect will be to stimulate a greater and more sustained drive towards increasing our total membership and strengthening our clubs.
While that remains a critical objective, a more important objective is to insure our current members are satisfied and enjoying their total Rotary experience.  While all Rotary clubs are following the same overall guidelines of service, ethics and community responsibility, they do exhibit unique characteristics based on their history, experience and member makeup.  Have you noticed any differences in the level of enthusiasm, the number of service projects, the fellowship or the energy in clubs you have visited?  What is your club doing to insure your members are satisfied clients of Rotary?  
We do have the Five Avenues of Service which undergird the actions of clubs and in which each member of the club should be engaged.  How does your club implement the Avenues of Service?  If your members are sitting on the sidelines waiting for other members to implement the Avenues of Service, they will become lethargic and bored and will not be engaged.  They will not be great representatives of Rotary to prospective members.  It is very clear that one of the highest responsibilites of club leadership is to get members engaged by getting them involved.  Every member should be active on one or more committees. 
There is so much good work to be done by implementing Club, Community, International, Vocational and Youth Service projects.  Engaging all your members in these committee projects will stimulate them and generate enthusiasm.  Busy hands make light work and happy hearts!
Tom Sturiale - Membership Chair District 7910