From left: MEVO executive director Eric J. FuchsStengel, volunteer Becca Hoskins, Bergen Highlands Rotary Club President Kevin O’Rourke, and MEVO Earth Crew members Noelle Haven Kruse and Hari Ravikumar. 
The Bergen Highlands/Ramsey Rotary Club recently welcomed representatives from the Mahwah Environmental Volunteer Organization (MEVO) at their weekly meeting. Guest speaker Eric Fuchs-Stengel of MEVO discussed the successful installation of 200 water and trash barrels, donated by BH/R Rotary, throughout northern trail areas. He also brought the Club up to date on the new mini farm being developed on lands donated by the Bergen County Park Department in Darlington Park, Mahwah.
The Bergen Highlands/Ramsey Rotary Club has been a supporter of MEVO since its inception in 2008. MEVO carries out volunteer work to promote environmental sustainability throughout local communities. They plant trees, clean up polluted areas, rehabilitate soil erosion, operate a natural agriculture farm, organize electronic recycling drives, educate students on recycling, distribute recycling bins and give away compact fluorescent light bulbs. MEVO strives to get people involved in improving their society and working to solve our worst environmental problems. 
Learn more about Bergen Highlands Rotary Club's other projects in our August Newsletter.