Coding Literacy in schools – Literacy Rotarian Action Group Newsletter

In first world societies, we take it for granted that computers are essential in schools and that students need basic computer literacy skills. It is now accepted that basic computer literacy is a separate curriculum item from digital technology. 

Computer scientists now recommend that the term computational thinking be used in schools. Jeanette Wing states that ‘computational thinking involves solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior, by drawing on the concepts fundamental to computer science.’ 

According to Emeritus Professor Leon Sterling of Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia, “Just as mathematics applied itself to the physical world, explaining mechanics and electro-magnetism, we are currently applying mathematics to understanding data, information and knowledge. Thus, computational thinking has a role in mathematics curriculum, and also in a science curriculum where insights provided by data add to our scientific knowledge.”

Read : Literacy Rotarian Action Group Newsletter (November 2019)