WANTED – Nominations for District Governor
for 2023-24

Each year we call upon our Clubs to explore with the members of their Club the exciting opportunity to serve as District Governor. 
District 6330 selects a District Governor by Nominating Committee.
Nominations for District Governor to serve during the Rotary year 2023-2024 are now being accepted until October 31st 2020.
Members in good standing who are willing and able to serve as District Governor and have served as Club President are eligible to be nominated. Qualifications and responsibilities of the Governor-Nominee can be found in the 2019 Manual of Procedure Article 16.010 Qualifications of a Governor Nominee.
All clubs are invited to submit their nomination for District 6330 Governor 2023-2024 on the prescribed form (DG Nominee Form
Nominations must also include a resolution adopted by your Rotary Club at a regular meeting naming the nominated candidate. The resolution must be signed by the Club Secretary and the club can only nominate one of its own members. Refer to 2019 Manual of Procedure, Article 12 Nominations and Elections for Governors - specifically section 12.030.3 Clubs Suggestions for Governor.
Please send your club's nomination to be received on or before midnight on October 31st, 2020 to:
PDG Tony Sheard, Chair District 6330 Nominating Committee 2020
237 Summerhill Road, Southampton, Ontario, N0H2L0, Canada
or by scan and email to:  tony.sheard@gmail.com
Please note that the sequence for the Rotary years prior to becoming District Governor is:
2020-21        District Governor Nominee Designate (DGND)
2021-22        District Governor Nominee (DGN)
2022-23        District Governor Elect (DGE)
2023-24        District Governor (DG)
Interviews will be held via Zoom on Saturday November 7th, 2020