From PDG and RI Convention Promotion John Henson, "I hope you have or will register for the Taipei Convention next year. From what I have read, the city of Taipei is a great place to visit, going to be a great convention."
But if you are unable to attend Taipei next year for one reason or another, put June 4-8, 2022 on your calendar right now. Yes, that is the date for the 2022 convention, and it will be held in our very own state, in Houston!!!!! Very little information, other than the date, is available at this time, but just put it on your calendar and make sure you attend".
"That will be DGE Mike Groom’s year as governor, and while he and I have not visited about it, wouldn’t it be great if we had enough members in 5830 going that we could charter a bus or seven and all go down to Houston together? Shoot, [we] may be able to block out rooms for all of us to stay in the same hotel". 
"You should be excited about Taipei, and I hope you are, but I hope you are also excited to know that the 2022 Rotary International Convention will be in our backyard—HOUSTON"!