Each club in District 5830 has been faced with challenges during COVID-19.  Our approach to staying connected with each other as well in the communities we serve has shifted.  Flexibility, along with trying new techniques, will enhance our chances of success.  The following are avenues to achieve our goal of staying connected and portraying District 5830 as “The Action District”.
Have you tried Zoom,YouTube,Facebook?  For assistance with setting up these platforms please contact Sarah Fox at District5830pr@gmail.com.
Due to COVID-19, in person meetings have become challenging.  If your club has been unable to meet in person, this is the platform several clubs have chosen to host meetings. This platform works best when the meeting is completely virtual. Rotary International has provided training and information on how your club can meet completely virtual.
Each club should have their own YouTube Channel.  This is a free platform.  For Clubs who may have the ability to meet in person but would like to include those who may not be able to meet, this platform works best for several reasons.
  • It is easy to set up a YouTube Channel for the Club.  Click here to view our District 5830 YouTube Channel.
  • Zoom Meetings can be recorded and uploaded to the YouTube Channel for members to view at a later time.  The District YouTube Channel will feature any District Training Assemblies. 
  • When Live Streaming an event, club members can join in on the meeting by clicking a link without having to create an account.
  • In person meetings broadcasted as Live Streams are recorded automatically and meetings can be viewed at a later time by other club members, clubs and Rotarians.
Each club should have their own Facebook Page.  This is a free platform with the potential to reach our communities through social media.  Social Media may be new for some clubs, but it is easy to manage by having one or two club members dedicated to the page. There may be some confusion on how to best utilize Facebook.  The following are guidelines the District recommends following to align with Rotary International Branding while also enhancing the Club’s Public Image.
Page vs. Group
  • Create a Facebook Page for your club. Pages were designed to be the official profiles for organizations. “Facebook Pages enable organizations to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook. This is a public page that anyone has the ability to view” (Facebook, 2010). 
  • Some Clubs may have created a Facebook Group.  What is the difference?  “Facebook Groups are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express opinion” (Facebook, 2010).   Groups are not intended to be the considered the official representation of your organization.  
News Feed
  • A News Feed is the content Facebook Users see when they open Facebook.  A user’s newsfeed is refreshed with new content each time the user returns to Facebook.  
  • When an individual “likes” your club’s page, they automatically will begin to follow your page.  The content posted to your club’s Facebook page will automatically show up in the News Feed of users who have liked your page. 
    • Invite users to like your page.  The Page Administrator can automatically send an invite to their Friends.  Club Members who like the page can also invite their friends to like the page as well.  The more likes your page gets, the more potential exposure your club receives.  I
  • When your Official Club Page shares content, that post can then be shared to the District Facebook Page by the District Page Administrator.  This will allow the District to display your Official Rotary Club Page’s posts rather than posts of Individuals. 
  • In order for the District to Share your Club’s Official Posts, they need to come directly from the Club’s official Facebook Page and not a personal Facebook Account.
  • A perfect Facebook post contains four factors:
    • A link
      • Any time your Club is featured in the press, that link can be shared to your Club’s Page, making the story look more official. 
      • To share a link, copy and paste a URL into the post window, Facebook will automatically display the link’s information.  After that has occurred, you can delete the URL from the window.
    • Is brief – contains 40 characters or less
      • Describe the link with a caption. For example, “Jefferson Rotarians Take Action!” is short, sweet and to the point.
    • Gets published at non peak times
      • Your Club Page is competing with other posts seen in a user’s newsfeed.  If your post is shared during non peak times, you have a better chance at reaching the user.
      • The best window for a workday is 5pm – 1am or any time on the weekend.
    • Follows other posts on a regular schedule.
      • Ideally, posting once a day will keep users engaged.  Whether it’s a link from RI, The District Page, or a news article featuring other Rotarians, consistently posting will increase the likelihood of a Facebook User seeing your content.
      • Encourage your Club members to share the Club’s Official Facebook Page post to their newsfeed, shares enhance visibility.
  • Not all Facebook Posts will contain all four elements of a “Perfect Post”.  Additionally, here are some tips and ideas for effective posts.
    • Photos showing Rotarians taking action, rather than still shot of a group meeting, make for more interesting and engaging posts.
    • Upcoming service projects.
    • “Thought of the Day/Week” – A post that can be scheduled on a regular basis with a quote or thought from your Club President.
These guidelines were designed to help your club’s public image, stay connected within your club, your district, and with the communities we serve.