April showers bring May flowers--COVID closedowns bring Rotary renewals!

More clubs are opening in-person attendance. Thank goodness!    

Rotarians, please have your RYLA campers and PARENTS come to a Rotary meeting soon. DGND Karen Maines, an 14-year RYLA leader, reported to the District Training Assembly on the recently completed VIRTUAL RYLA (Part 1).

The campers met online and had a great time. By all accounts, they are pumped and can't wait for the live experience this fall. So, NOW is the time to strike while the enthusiasm is high. The parents should be invited to join Rotary!!! Consider having your club pay their first semi-annual dues (giving them 6 months free (trial) membership!) so they can learn what Rotary is all about and especially how we support youth programs like the one their child is enjoying.

If we have 200 campers per year, we have at least 200 prospective Rotarians. We should expect at least some parents to become new Rotarians each year. It is imperative that we keep tracking information on RYLA participants as well as their parents. Talk this up with your board and membership committee asap! Let us know if we can help!