Service for the Idaho State Veterans Home
As part of the Pocatello Rotary Club’s service to veterans, Rotarian Dr. Craig Nickisch and his wife, Marge, have been busy.  Taking advantage of the pandemic’s stay-at-home guidance, they have been making shirt protectors and lap robes for the Veterans Home residents. Shirt protectors come into use during meals, and the lap robes warm those sitting on the patio or in wheelchairs.  During the past months Craig and Marge have made and delivered 200 shirt protectors, in colorful patterns.  Included are about 75 in patriotic colors, for special meals celebrating holidays such as Veterans Day. 
Rotarian Shelley Goings, Deputy Director of the Veterans Home, reports that the veterans love having the patriotic protectors, and she cannot wait until communal dining is once again allowed, so she can send us photos of a room full of veterans wearing red, white and blue.
Photos of Craig at the cutting table, Marge at the sewing machine, and another of a finished shirt protector.