Posted by Robyn Braley

The Life Changing Power of Inspirational, Motivational, Uplifting or Entertaining Quotes

Many Rotary club, business, education, association, religious or community group leaders often start or finish meetings with a quote that provides insight into the topic at hand. Speakers and writers include them in articles or keynote addresses.
In 2015 I wrote an original quotes post for BTRB that is one of the most read. This post follows with new material that may inspire, motivate or inspire you. It is divided into categories. They are for you to use personally or for club social media content.
To comply with the four-way test I have to admit my original post for this month was going to be a followup of our District 5360 Membership Priority #1 seminar with Jim Adams. As promised, he delivered some great ideas for club growth.
Instead, I came down with the flu. I mentioned that I was dying to my wife and received little response. Just a cold, steely eyed glare. So I followed the path of least resistance (cut and paste) and compiled todays post. Stay tuned for a future post highlighting Jim’s content.  

Looking for easy-to-organize Christmas service projects? Check out the December 2016 post.

81 Amazing Acts of Kindness That Will Change Your Life and Someone Else's