Posted by PDG Lindagene Coyle on Jun 30, 2020
I posed the following question to some of our PDGs - Past District Governors:
"What was the highlight of being District Governor for you?"
One of the highlights was all of the friendships that were made throughout our District. Many of which I still communicate with often. From Larry Jubie
Seeing the many projects accomplished by Clubs during my Governor year.  The inspirational speakers at the District Conference. From Rob Martin
The highlights of serving as District Governor was getting to know great Rotarians from across our District as I took part in Club visits, projects, and events. The training and the close friendships I developed with my classmate District Governors made me a better person, a better leader, and a better Rotarian. There was a significant commitment of time and energy, but one that was more than richly rewarded by the opportunities for service, and personal growth. From Sean Hogan