Posted by Darcy Long on Jul 30, 2018
PDG Don who is the chair of the nominating committee, will send a message out with appropriate forms etc. What I am responsible for is to have the pertinent sections of the bylaws in both the newsletter and posted on the website which are:
4.1. The Manual of Procedure of Rotary International provides that a District Governor is nominated by the clubs in a district and elected by the Rotary International convention. 
4.2. On or before October 1 of the second year prior to the year in which it is anticipated a District Governor shall assume office, the President of a club wishing to place the name of one of its members in nomination shall file with the chair of the nominating committee and the District Governor a resolution of the club, adopted at a regular meeting of the club naming such candidate and certifying that the candidate meets the qualifications for District Governor as provided by the Manual of Procedure for Rotary International. 
4.3. The club resolution shall be accompanied by a current photograph of the candidate and a resume setting out both Rotary service and their personal background. 
4.4. The District Governor, in the Governor’s August Newsletter and on the District website, will publish Section 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 above as an invitation to all clubs in the District to propose a member for District Governor Designate.
I encourage you to talk to your club President about this opportunity. I’m only getting my feet wet but it has already been an incredible experience and I have no doubt both Doug and I will cherish all the memories that we are in the process of making.
On another note, Club Presidents please refer to a letter emailed to you July 1st from General Secretary John Hewko, and resent by me last week.  This email gave you information about the process and guidelines clubs need to take to put forward qualified Rotarians for consideration by the Nominating Committee for Director for our Zone to be received no later than September 1st, 2018. Our next RI Director for our Zone will be elected at the International Convention in Hamburg June 2019 and will serve in 2020-2022. This opportunity comes up for our District/Zone every 4 years as the directors are elected to a 2 year term and they serve 2 different zones.
As you can see by these two processes these leadership positions are made by applications from the clubs. Not from Rotary International leaders.
You can learn more about the different Leadership roles in Rotary in the August Rotarian magazine.