Posted by Jim LeCheminant
There once was a father who had four sons.  One day he sent his sons to their cabin to ready it for the winter.  The cabin was located some distance away from their home, and was without phone connection, but the father didn't worry, because he had given each son a cell phone and knew that he could contact them in case of an emergency.  
Not long after the sons arrived at the cabin, the father learned that because of heavy rains in the nearby mountains, the cabin was in the path of a potential flash flood.  He called the first son to warn him to take his brothers and evacuate the cabin.  The first son had not even turned on his cell phone and didn't receive the message.
He then tried to call the second son.  His phone rang, but the music he was listening to was so loud, it drowned out the phone and he didn't receive the message.
He then tried to call the third son.  The third son actually heard his phone ring, but he was so busy working on the cabin he didn't take time to answer it and didn't receive the message.  
When the fourth son's phone rang, he heard it and tried to answer it, but he wasn't used to working with a cell phone and didn't know how to get an incoming call, so he did not receive the message.
The father was grieved for he had done all he could to warn his sons, but for various reasons they did not receive his message.
Life is full of distractions.  Some things are more important than others in our life.  Whether you believe in God, in a God, a higher power, the great spirit or just karma there is a voice, some call it conscience, that helps us make the best decisions for us and our families.  If we get too distracted, for various reasons, we do not always hear that voice.  Let's weed out the useless distractions in our life.