If I were to have given the prayer at Rotary March 19th it would have focused around the principle of "Gratitude"   Grateful for belief in a higher power, family, friends, Rotary and service. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received.
If we spend some time finding and writing down one simple thing to be thankful for it will lead, many times, to making a list that goes on and on.
I once read an article by Norann Voll on ways to practice Gratitude.  He listed 5 things to do:
1.  Set time aside each day to make a list of what we are thankful for.  Start with the tiniest details.
2.  Tell other people "thank you" when they do something kind for you.
3.  Don't allow other people's bitterness or negativity to influence your inner peace.
4.  Anger, disappointment, failure, and frustration are parts of life, but don't let them become your default emotions.
5.  Build gratitude around you with small, daily, unexpected, undeserved acts of love, compassion, grace and forgiveness.
I express gratitude to Mesa West Rotary and all the good things you do.