Posted by Dave Dominick on Jan 29, 2020

It was a royal day to be a Rotarian on Monday, January 28, 2020. Our Club was graced with the 2020 St. Paul Winter Carnival Royal Family. As Rotarians and guests arrived, Rotarian Christian Weinhagen greeted everyone.

President Michael-jon Pease rang the bell and called our meeting to order at 12:15 pm.

Former St. Paul Winter Carnival Wind Jason Dekeuster provided an inspirational minute and led the Rotary 4-Way Test.

Former King Boreas and Club President-elect Jason Bradshaw introduced visiting Rotarians, guests and our youth exchange students.









The Royal Family and Senior Court were introduced by former Prime Minister Rotarian Jay Pfaender. Jay mentioned that our Club has been hosting Royal Families since the 1950s. Our Club has been active with St. Paul Winter Carnival for many years with 8 King Boreas, 8 Prime Ministers, 5 Winds, and 2 Fire Kings coming from our Club. We have former Heritage Foundation Board Members and a Past Executive Director active in our Club today.

For the first time in history, the St. Paul Winter Carnival Senior Royalty was on hand and introduced by our very own Sergeant of Arms and Senior Prime Minister Sherry Howe. Sherry was in her element wearing her Sergeant of Arms Badge along with her Crown and Sash. Luckily for club members, she was in great spirits and decided not to fine our members however, her phone did go off during the meeting so we expect her to pony up some cash since it is fair to all concerned.

The Royal Family was introduced as the Club sang the Winter Carnival March. The Club was entertained by a song led by Klondike Kate Shelley Pabst. When the Club sang Happy Birthday to honor our January birthdays, it was evident that Klondike Kate truly had the best voice in the house.

King Boreas Darrin Johnson knighted our Club President and three youth exchange students in attendance.

Senior Royalty Prime Minister Sherry Howe had a good run of happy dollars from Club members and guests.

Club Updates included Inspiration Lounge on February 6 with Gerone Hamilton. Our February 11 Signature Luncheon will have former Deputy Mayor Susan Kimberly as our keynote speaker.

Susan created a play “From Superman to Lois Lane” that will be held at the History Theatre on February 27. She will be discussing this upcoming show. On February 20, please attend Summit Brewery Fellowship and New Member Orientation. Mark your calendars for our joint Club meeting with Minneapolis Club #9 for February 25 with the new University of Minnesota President Joan Gabler as our program speaker. A charter bus is being organized for the meeting so stay tuned for more details.

Indeed it was a fun club meeting by all.




Minutes taken by Dave Dominick, Club Treasurer