Edmonton Strathcona

DiscoverE is a nonprofit organization through the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta that provides fun, accessible, and inclusive summer camps to youth in Edmonton. We deliver engaging, STEM-based workshops, clubs, and camps to over 27,000 youth every year in over 70 communities across northern Alberta, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories.

Every Friday, we invite professors, graduate students, and researchers to share their experiences or research to engage our campers and discuss what they could do with a degree in STEM.

Mentor visits can include presentations, tours, or hands-on activities, and take place on Fridays from 12:45-1:45pm, starting July 5 and ending August 23, 2019. We run camps for grades 1-9 in a variety of topics including Robotics, Music Technology, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, and Astronaut Training.

We have been in contact with Vic from Edmonton West Rotary Club, and he encouraged us to reach out. If any of your members are involved in Engineering or STEM-fields, and are passionate about inspiring youth, we would love to have them get involved in our camps! In particular, we are looking for mentors for Astronaut Training (grades 2-3), Survival Science (grades 6-7), Captivating Chemical Engineering (grades 4-5), Nanotechnology and Electrical Engineering (grades 8-9), and Robotics camps for grades 4-5, 6-7, and 8-9.

You can view our website at uab.ca/discovere for a complete list of the camps and the dates they are running. I am the Special Events Coordinator with DiscoverE, and can be reached at detsse@ualberta.ca, or in the office at (780) 492-8779. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you, Kailey