United Nations Association in Canada is a new organization that was started in 2014. The Founder and President of the Prince George Branch of UNAC is Giulliana Tamblyn.  The Director of the Program is Kathy MacDonald.
Both Giulliana and Kathy provided some basic background information about some of the goals and activities being provided by UNAC.
One of the key programs of UNAC is currently their "Sport-In-A-Box" project.
This Sport-In-A-Box program has been implemented in Canada for about 10 years, but new to UNAC locally.
The Sport-In-A-Box program is:
  • Focused on 9 to 12 year old children
  • Provides 8 flexible sessions
  • Integrates physical literacy both locally and globally
  • Provides training for volunteer facilitators
  • Provides for a coordinator
The program is provided through a step by step process, where children are provided with a colored box, which they then place a number of sports type items, specific th Canada.
These boxes are then exchanged with children in other countries, to share and learn through the exchange and appreciation of the different sport type activities.
The Prince George Branch of UNAC is currently fund raising with a goal of $25,000.00 to support their program.
The Nechako Rotary Club is one of their donors, with a $1,000.00 donation to the program.
PDG Neil King thanked both Giulliana and Kathy for their presentation, with another donation to our Rotary Polio Plus Program.