Richard Mandell, a Brookline acupuncturist, shared with the Rotary club the work he has been with acupuncture to alleviate the pain and suffering of HIV/AIDS both in the United States and in Africa and Mexico. 
He and a number of other volunteers train local health workers in a simple form of acupuncture which can be used very effectively to relieve a number of the symptoms and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS.  He originally founded such a program in Boston.  Once it demonstrated its effectiveness he took it to Africa where it found a particularly strong following in Uganda.  He has now trained more than 200 health workers in Africa who are using his techniques and his handbook to help the many children and adults living with AIDS.  Richard asked Brookline Rotary to consider a donation to the Pan-African Acupuncture Project,
Richard Mandell teaching acupuncture in Uganda