Ridgely School Micro-Pantry
We thank club and other volunteers for monitoring and stocking the Ridgely micro-pantry (image on left) this spring and summer. Other volunteers are also providing food, and health, paper and cleaning items, and our task is to make sure it continues to be well stocked. Nutritious food items such as fresh produce and protein-rich foods, as well as  toilet paper and other toiletries are always in demand. We are looking for volunteers who will monitor for a two week periods this summer. Contact Vicki Megginson at megginson.vicki@gmail.com to sign up for a shift or learn more. 
Stocking Books in Little Libraries
If you want to volunteer to stock books in the four Little Libraries that we built with support from our District Literacy Grant, contact Dave Kromphardt at dkromphardt@yahoo.com or 815-488-2787.
Volunteers for Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing
Rotarians are needed to staff an information table to promote Rotary at the Chamber of Commerce Golf Outings on the afternoon of July 22 and 23. Rotarians who did this last year said it was an enjoyable experience and it could attract new members. If you are interested in helping with this event, please let Dave Kromphardt or Vicki Megginson know.