Rotary Donations to Food Pantries
The UIS Rotaract club opens a food pantry for the holidays:
We are proud of our Rotaract Club for collecting food to fill the shelves of their special food pantry. The UIS Rotaract Club has solicited donation from faculty staff and other students. Our club delivered 18 bags of food and $60 in cash that was donated at our weekly meeting.
We salute the Rotaract Club of UIS for living the Rotary motto of “Service above self”. Rotaractor's Malayzia Anderson and Karan Rikk are shown below in the pantry accepting our donation. 

Opportunities for Rotarians to Donate a $5 Turkey to a Food Pantry:
Local food stores are advertising Turkeys as low as $47 a pound with an additional purchase of $25-$30.   This is an easy in inexpensive way to help our own Rotaract Club or any of the other food pantries assist those in need at Thanksgiving.  They will appreciate your gift.