Posted on Feb 04, 2018

Be SMART: a conversation about kids and guns

Martha Plog will be our featured speaker on February 5 at 5:30 p.m. at Maldaners Upstairs and will address the important issue of children and guns. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America launched the Be SMART campaign to take action to prevent child access to guns.  The campaign focuses on the importance of conversation, responsible gun storage, and community awareness. It encourages parents and all adults to "Be SMART" and take simple steps to help prevent shootings. This presentation is non-political and focuses on common sense steps we can all take to reduce gun injuries and deaths among children. 
Please join us for this important  conversation with Martha Plog.  Guests are welcome. Come at 5:30 p.m. for a chance to meet and chat with members of our Rotary Club, and enjoy a fine buffet dinner for only $12.