Posted by David Kromphardt
The plans are complete for restarting in-person meetings at Maldaners with livestreaming for online participants beginning August 3. Here are the major items to know:
Social distancing is the key. Attendees should come wearing masks. Round tables capable of holding 10 people will seat 4.  Participants must stay in their seats unless using the restroom or leaving the building. There will be no “community bowl” popcorn or chips. The bar will be open but no gathering or socializing will occur there. Maldaners staff will come to your table to take your beverage order. Steve and John will be dishing out food and will be the only ones handling serving utensils.
All people who plan to eat, whether in person or via curbside, will register via email in advance by each Friday before the Monday meeting. Preregistration will ensure proper seating space and the correct number of prepackaged meals. You should have already emailed last Friday if you are attending the August 3 meeting in person or picking up a meal to take home. Curbside pickup will be at Maldaners back door with access from the alley off of Monroe and will be available from 4:45 to 5:15 p.m. on Monday. When you arrive at the back door, call 217-522-4313, and they will bring the meal(s) out to you. Serving for inside meals will begin at 5:15 p.m. The meeting will begin at 5:45 p.m.
During this time of hybrid in-person and online meeting participation, the wifi signal in Maldaners Upstairs has been boosted, and John has been refinishing chairs. The ventilation system already moves air well. All will be ready for Opening Day on August 3.
THE KEY TO REMEMBER IS TO MAKE A RESERVATION BY 2:00 P.M. FRIDAY EACH WEEK WHETHER ATTENDING IN PERSON OR ORDERING FOOD. We plan to refine the process for making reservations and curbside food orders, and will let you know when that happens.
We appreciate the great response on the survey, we hope the tweaks will be minor, and we appreciate your patience as we work this all out.
To participate in the August 3 club meeting online via a computer or smartphone, click on the link below:
To participate via telephone, dial:
After you dial the number, you will be prompted to enter the meeting number (Access Code) followed by the password.
Meeting Number (Access Code): 162 032 1110
Meeting Password: hmTHTgJy238 (46848459 from phones)