Posted by Dave Kromphardt
Some folks take a break after the holidays and wait until warm weather returns to begin anew. Not us! Last Monday’s meeting was well attended and enthusiastic. We will do our best not to disappoint.
Micro-Pantry at Ridgely
Vicki Megginson brought us up to date on two areas of service. The first is about taking care of our new micro-pantry at Ridgely School. It is getting consistently more use and provides food to the Ridgely School area citizens. She asked for Club members to assist in keeping it stocked, a subject covered separately in this newsletter.
Peace Builders Committee
The second was a progress report on the new Peace Builders committee. Meetings with multiple possible partners have been held, and the committee will meet today to evaluate these meetings. Serious attention is being given in our community to the subjects of reconciliation and healing, and our Club Secretary Loretta Meeks has agreed to serve on a United Way Committee that will administer grants to organizations that will work in that direction. Committee Co-chairs Bob Moore and Vicki Megginson will provide more specific information at a Club Meeting in February.
Literacy Grant Application
I provided general information about our Literacy Grant Application for the District. Using the model of Neal Miller’s little library and our new micro-pantry, the proposal is to construct multiple little libraries and install them near micro-pantries, and keeping them stocked with books for children K-12 and focusing on books for new readers as well. We will hear at the District Conference on January 22-23 if we are awarded a grant. Service opportunities will exist for design, construction, installation, and stocking ─ and perhaps negotiating book purchases and donations. Stay tuned!
Pandemic Financial Processes
This quarter’s meal tickets and invoices are going out in the next few days. COVID-19 has complicated the Club cash flow process, and we thank Sheila Mack and Bill Smith for their creativity and diligence during this time. Please address these items promptly, and ask questions if you have them. Bill Smith receives the monies for the Brag-a-bucks and 50/50 as they go to the Foundation for Scholarships. Sheila receives dues and meal monies. Thank you, everyone, for your generous support of our Club.
Potential to Return to Hybrid Meetings
One last note. As pandemic measurement levels give rise to the possibility of returning to our hybrid in person and video meetings, Maldaners must comply with directives from the Governor above any city or county regulations. Feedback given to me by Club members includes much interest in returning to the hybrid format when allowed, provided it is safe and Club members are not placed at risk in doing so. Some recommended considering vaccine availability in decision making. Thank you all for your feedback. I will keep the Club posted on how this progresses.
Dave Kromphardt