Posted by Beth Casavant on Feb 27, 2019
Club member Moira Miller spoke about her passion for genealogy and how looking into her own family history led her become a certified professional genealogy researcher completing a certificate program at Boston University. Although it is possible to do your own genealogy research, Moira explained that the process can be time consuming and while many online tools are free, some require a subscription fee. A professional genealogist will have access to online tools that require fees and should adhere to what is known as the Genealogical Proof Standard, meaning that the information that is passed on to a family is properly sourced and documented. 
Moira has traveled the world through her client research and enjoys the mystery that comes from locating and analyzing historical records in an effort to piece together the past. Sometimes, documents will contradict each other because of human error or people just not having accurate information at the time the records were established. For those interested in doing their own genealogy research, Moira suggests starting with a question that you want to answer and be prepared for a circuitous route. Digging into the past can create as many mysteries as it solves and people are often unprepared for what they will discover. It is important to document the sources used and be on the lookout for improperly sourced information. If possible, speak with as many family members as you can to get a first hand account of your family history, consider a DNA search and stay focused on the question you set out to answer.
For those seeking some help or the services of a professional genealogist, Moira is happy to help! Visit her website at or send her an email at